Girls Who Code
Girls Who Code is a nationally recognized afterschool program for girls 12 – 18 whose mission is to close the gender gap in computer sciences. Through coding and creation of impact projects the girls work together within a set curriculum with Volunteer Facilitators to help with lessons plans and creating cool moments.
Our 2018 – 2019 Cohort created a mobile app called “I’m Freaking Out” as a means to address anxiety with educational tools and ways to de-stress. In 2019 - 2020 the team created an RPG game for our friends at the WeARE Clinic called Trying Times: Teen Edition. In this game youth traverse paths to learn about healthy relationships, safe practices and resources in our community.
Post Pandemic we began again in the fall of 2022. Our demographics were changing. Youth began to question why only girls were invited. Though we remain connected to everything about “Girls who Code” in our future our present changed to address this issue.

STEM Thursday
On Thursday we bring a different STEM project to the table. Studied bees, built honeycombs, and tasted honey from different regions. Learned about linear coding. Created a Camera Obscura in one of the bathrooms. Talked about women in STEM for Women’s History Month. Created duct tape boats and spoon catapults. Painted leaves, built bridges and played with fire. And of course, youth needed to figure out how to rescue Han Solo from carbonite on May the Fourth. Science is cool.

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