TarTop Garden
Where else but at TheShop are vegetables for a Salsa Party
or flowers for a birthday grown in the middle of a parking lot?
Our TarTop Garden Project offers youth opportunities for active participation and engagement with caring adults. Hot sun and dedicated watering give immediate positive gratification as seeds sprout and transplants take root. Everyone likes to feel good.
Youth who have never planted a seed are offered gloves (because they may not remember being toddlers digging in dirt), garden trowels, and guidance from “expert peers”. Others might choose to share their creative side with decorative labels, painted rocks, or add a sculpture to the garden.
Bumblebees, blue sky, 100 feet of hose and some playful watering make for an enjoyable summer activity. Honk and wave as you drive by!
In 2024 look for a Poetry Box in the front gardens. Share your poetry, art, haikus, or dedications of mindfulness. TheShop will use these to create some pretty cool stuff to bring back to our community.
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